Panafrica Days Symposium
Panafrica Days Symposium
A daylong series of discussions will center on the ideas and artists featured in the "Project a Black Planet" exhibition at the Art Institute.
This daylong series of discussions will focus on the ideas and artists featured in Project a Black Planet: The Art and Culture of Panafrica. The exhibition, on view at the Art Institute of Chicago through March 30, was informed by the multi-year, international Panafrica research project at the Neubauer Collegium and curated by members of the research team.
Presented as part of Panafrica Days, a four-day series of activities jointly organized by the Art Institute of Chicago, the Black Arts Consortium at Northwestern University, Chicago Humanities, and the Neubauer Collegium.
10:10 am
Introductory Remarks
Antawan Byrd
Assistant Professor of Art History, Northwestern University; Associate Curator, Photography and Media, Art Institute of Chicago
10:25 am
Keynote Address
Koyo Kouoh
Executive Director and Chief Curator, Zeitz Museum of Contemporary Art Africa, Cape Town, South Africa
11:20 am
Panel: On the Circulation and Transmission of Africa/Diasporic Aesthetic Practices
Huey Copeland
Andrew W. Mellon Chair and Professor of Modern Art and Black Study, University of Pittsburgh
Krista Thompson
Mary Jane Crowe Professor of Art History, Northwestern University
Ebony Patterson
Kodwo Eshun
Moderated by Dieter Roelstraete (Curator, Neubauer Collegium)
1:40 pm
Keynote Address
Lynette Yiadom-Boakye
2:30 pm
Panel: Panafrica’s Future Conversations
Hélio Menezes
Artistic Director, Museu Afro Brasil, São Paulo, Brazil
Marilyn Nance
Serubiri Moses
Visiting Faculty, Center for Curatorial Studies, Bard College
Moderated by Matthew Witkovsky (Richard and Ellen Sandor Chair and Curator of Photography and Media, Art Institute of Chicago)
4:05 pm
Keynote Address
Louis Chude-Sokei
Professor of English, Wein Chair and Director of African American and Black Diaspora Studies, Boston University
5:00 pm
Closing Remarks
Adom Getachew
Professor of Political Science and Race, Diaspora & Indigeneity, University of Chicago
A daylong series of discussions will center on the ideas and artists featured in the "Project a Black Planet" exhibition at the Art Institute.