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Research Project

The Voice Project

Project Team:

2013 – 2014

Project Summary

This project supported vigorous dialogue about the role of voice—its ontological, material, technical, and embodied nature—across disciplines, from psychoanalysis and phenomenology to linguistics, music, literature, and beyond.

Research Team

Martha Feldman

Martha Feldman

Ferdinand Schevill Distinguished Service Professor in the Department of Music and the College

University of Chicago

Martha Feldman's research interests include vocal practices, genres, and performances, often Italian, from the 16th to the 21st century, including those of madrigalists, courtesans, castrati and other early modern singers, and jazz singers. Her first monograph, City Culture and the Madrigal at ...

David Levin

David Levin

Alice H. and Stanley G. Harris Jr. Distinguished Service Professor in the Department of Germanic Studies, Department of Cinema & Media Studies, the Committee on Theater and Performance Studies, and the College

University of Chicago

David J. Levin is the Alice H. and Stanley G. Harris Distinguished Service Professor of Germanic Studies, Cinema and Media Studies, and Theater and Performance Studies at the University of Chicago. His work focuses on the aesthetics and politics of performance in opera, theater and cinema. From ...

Judith Zeitlin

Portrait of Zeitlin

Judith Zeitlin

William R. Kenan, Jr. Professor, Department of East Asian Languages and Civilizations

University of Chicago

Judith Zeitlin's work combines literary history with other disciplines, such as performance, music, visual and material culture, medicine, gender studies, and film. Her book The Phantom Heroine: Ghosts and Gender in Seventeenth-Century Chinese Literature (2007) explores the representation of ghosts ...

Project Narrative


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