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Voces Magicae and the Power of the Unintelligible: Session 1

01.20.2023 10:00 AM

Event Summary


8:00am Panagiota Sarischouli (Thessaloniki) Introduction: Aims of the conference

8:30am Monika Amsler (Bern) Voces magicae as Intellectual Innovation: Basis and Development

Greek Papyri

9:00am Chris Faraone (Chicago) Voces Magicae as Template Designs

9:30am Sofía Torallas Tovar (Chicago) Towards a Paleography of the voces magicae

BREAK (15 min)

10:15am Raquel Martín Hernández (Madrid) In and out. Voces magicae and figurae magicae

10:45am Panagiota Sarischouli (Thessaloniki) Voces magicae. Auditory and visual impressions

11:15am Alberto Nodar (Barcelona) Graphic rendering of the voces magicae in GEMF 57/PGM IV

This event was for invited participants only.