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Research Project

Imperial Interstices: Agents of Eurasian Interaction in Late Antiquity

Project Team:

2016 – 2017

Project Summary

By investigating premodern interstitial regions of the Eurasian landmass as major centers of production, consumption, and influence, this project laid the groundwork for an integrated history of Eurasian late antiquity.

Research Team

Cliff Ando

Cliff Ando

Cliff Ando

David B. and Clara E. Stern Distinguished Service Professor; Professor of Classics, History and in the College

University of Chicago

Clifford Ando’s research focuses on the histories of religion, law and government in the ancient world. His first book centered on the history of political culture in the provinces of the Roman empire, and he continues to write and advise on topics related to the provincial administration, the ...

Paul Copp

Paul Copp

Associate Professor in Chinese Religion and Thought, East Asian Languages and Civilizations

University of Chicago

Paul Copp's research interests include intellectual, material, and visual cultures of China and eastern Central Asia, ca. 700-1200. His first book, The Body Incantatory, is a study of Buddhist incantation and amulet practices in Tang China, centered in both textual and archaeological evidence. To ...

Whitney Cox

Whitney Cox

Associate Professor, South Asian Languages and Civilizations

University of Chicago

Whitney Cox’s main interests are in the literary and intellectual history of southern India in the early second millennium CE. Within that broad range, his research has concentrated on Sanskrit kāvya and poetic theory, the history of the Śaiva religion, and medieval Tamil literature and epigraphy, ...

Richard Payne

Richard Payne

Associate professor of Near Eastern Languages and Civilizations

University of Chicago

Richard Payne is a historian of the Iranian world in late antiquity, ca. 200–800 CE. His research focuses primarily on the dynamics of Iranian imperialism, specifically how the Iranian (or Sasanian) Empire successfully integrated socially, culturally, and geographically disparate populations from ...


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A camel on the ancient Silk Road, April 1999. Photo by Jeanne Menjoulet via Flickr.

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