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Faculty Fellow

Erik Hurst

Frank P. and Marianne R. Diassi Distinguished Service Professor of Economics; Deputy Director of the Becker Friedman Institute, and John E. Jeuck Faculty Fellow University of Chicago


Erik Hurst is a macroeconomist whose work focuses on housing markets, labor markets and household financial behavior. One strand of Hurst's research explores the importance of home production in determining time series, life cycle, and business cycle variation in measured consumption spending. Recently, Hurst has explored how changes in the U.S. labor market have influenced U.S. macroeconomic outcomes. Hurst has published numerous papers on these issues, and his work has been extensively covered in The New York Times, The Washington Post, and The Economist. In 2012, Hurst was awarded the Ewing Marion Kauffman Prize Medal for Distinguished Research in Entrepreneurship. The medal is awarded annually to a scholar under 40 whose research has made a significant contribution to the literature of entrepreneurship.

To learn more about Erik Hurst's research and publications, see his profile page at Chicago Booth.