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Anna Daucikova & Assaf Evron: FOR

06.08.2018 – 09.14.2018

Installation View, Anna Daucikova and Assaf Evron, FOR. Photo by Robert Chase Heishman.

Exhibition Summary

This exhibition coupled the work of Chicago-based Israeli photo-artist Assaf Evron with that of Slovak feminist video pioneer Anna Daucikova. The immediate occasion for this pairing is a shared interest in Russian-born and/or Soviet-trained artists of little renown but substantial visual impact: Ukrainian native Valery Lamakh (1925–1978), best remembered today for his decorative tilework on Kiev’s many Stalin-era residential buildings, and Israeli muralist Shlomo Eliraz (1912–1994), whose name today primarily survives in a handful of public artworks scattered around Herzliya and Tel Aviv. Lamakh is the subject of Daucikova’s elegiac video installation Along the Axis of Affinity (2015); Eliraz’s oeuvre is the centerpiece of Evron’s large-scale, site-specific photo work, itself part of a larger inquiry into the lost utopia of 1970s urbanism. In revisiting the legacies of these forgotten heroes of a certain avant-garde’s last stand, Daucikova’s video and Evron’s photo-mural revisit the trials and tribulations of the public art complex at a time of dwindling opportunities for artistic thinking on an architectural scale.

Curated by Dieter Roelstraete


Exhibition Narrative


Three heads made of mud rest in the grass, giving the impression of three buried bodies.

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