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Jason Dodge with Ishion Hutchinson: The Broad Church of Night

09.25.2018 – 12.21.2018

Exhibition Summary

Jason Dodge is an American in Berlin—and a sculptor among poets. For over twenty years, he has been making work drawing on the minimalist tradition in art that simmers with the emotional charge and riches of everyday life. A master of formal restraint and understatement, his sculptures—often incongruous juxtapositions of hard and soft, hidden and seen, living and dead—brim with biography, resembling literary vignettes, portraits, or anecdotes. A recent turn has seen Dodge move away (some) from the stark, ascetic language-of-less toward the promiscuous aesthetic of vintage scatter art, making literal and liberal use of the flotsam and jetsam of lived memory, of “refuse.” The title of the exhibition was suggested to the artist by the Jamaican poet Ishion Hutchinson, who composed a poem for the exhibition’s dismantling.

Curated by Dieter Roelstraete


Exhibition Narrative


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