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Visiting Fellow, 2020 – 2021

Carmenza Banguera


Carmenza Banguera is a visual artist based in Santiago de Cali, Colombia. She received a Masters in Plastic Arts from the Departmental Institute of Fine Arts in Cali. Her works have been included in various forums, such as the 45th Salón Nacional de Artistas and independent exhibitions in the United Arab Emirates, Argentina, Ecuador, and Colombia. Her primary subject of exploration is Afro-Colombian and Afro-Latino identity, specifically approached from concepts like cliché, ethnicity, race, racism, and taboos such as resentment, paranoia, and victimization—phenomena of a social and historical nature. During her residency at the Neubauer Collegium, she collaborated with the research team on the Contours of Black Citizenship in a Global Context project to create the works for The Visible, the Laughable, and the Invisible, a solo exhibition at the Neubauer Collegium gallery (May–Sept 2021).


Silhouettes of people walking in front of a mural of a cityscape

The Contours of Black Citizenship in a Global Context

2018 – 2022