Neubauer Collegium for Culture and Society Organization Logo Neubauer Collegium for Culture and Society

Research Project

Roman Statutes: Renewing Roman Law

Project Team:

2021 – 2024
Bronze plate engraved with the imperial rights granted to Vespasianus, first century AD.
Lex de imperio Vespasiani, Capitoline Museum, Rome. Via Wikimedia Commons.

Key Question

Project Summary

This project will produce the first comprehensive edition of all surviving inscribed legislation from classical Rome.

Research Team

Cliff Ando

Cliff Ando

Cliff Ando

David B. and Clara E. Stern Distinguished Service Professor; Professor of Classics, History and in the College

University of Chicago

Clifford Ando’s research focuses on the histories of religion, law and government in the ancient world. His first book centered on the history of political culture in the provinces of the Roman empire, and he continues to write and advise on topics related to the provincial administration, the ...

Project Narrative


A painting depicts a person sleeping under a purple blanket.

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