Neubauer Collegium for Culture and Society Organization Logo Neubauer Collegium for Culture and Society

Research Project

Thinking Through Tropes: Figures of Thought and the Political Imaginary

Project Team:

2014 – 2015

Project Summary

A faculty seminar gave scholars the opportunity to advance a comparative methodological analysis of the role of tropes in the reception and transformation of traditions.

Research Team

Michèle Lowrie

Michèle Lowrie

Andrew W. Mellon Distinguished Service Professor in Classics and in the College

University of Chicago

Professor Lowrie’s research focuses on how Latin literature thinks about politics, particularly the ways political thought emerges from a text’s formal elements and figurative expression short of abstract conceptualization. She has published Horace’s Narrative Odes and Writing, Performance, and ...

Barbara Vinken

Barbara Vinken

Professor of Romance and Comparative Literatures

Ludwig Maximilians University in Munich

Barbara Vinken holds the chair for French and Comparative Literature at the Ludwig-Maximilians University Munich, Germany. Currently the Lurcy Professor at the University of Chicago, she has also lately held Visiting Fellowships at the École des Hautes Études and the École Normale Supérieure ...


Book cover featuring an embroidered image of flora and fauna.

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