Neubauer Collegium for Culture and Society Organization Logo Neubauer Collegium for Culture and Society

Research Project

The Problem of the Democratic State in US History

Project Team:

2015 – 2017

Project Summary

This project continued the work of the State as History and Theory project, convening sociologists, political scientists, and historians for sustained discussions about the nature of U.S. democracy.

Research Team

Elisabeth Clemens

Elisabeth Clemens

William Rainey Harper Professor, Sociology

University of Chicago

Elisabeth Clemens's research explores the role of social movements and organizational innovation in political change. Her first book, The People's Lobby: Organizational Innovation and the Rise of Interest Group Politics in the United States, 1890-1925 (Chicago, 1997) received best book awards in ...

James Sparrow

James Sparrow

Associate Professor of History, the Conceptual and Historical Studies of Science, and the College

University of Chicago

James Sparrow is a historian of modern US politics broadly construed, with special interests in the mutual constitution of social categories, democratic publics, and state formation. His first book, Warfare State (Oxford University Press, 2011), is a history of the social politics of the national ...

Project Narrative


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People and Things on the Move: Migration and Material Culture