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Visiting Fellow

Esther Rodríguez González

Postdoctoral Researcher Institute of Archaeology in the Spanish National Research Council (CSIC)


Esther Rodríguez González is a postdoctoral researcher at the Institute of Archaeology in the Spanish National Research Council (CSIC). She is a member of the research project, Construyendo Tarteso, where she leads a line of research whose objective is to analyse the Mediterranean influence in the formation of the societies of the southwestern peninsular during the Early Iron Age, focused on the study and knowledge of Tartessus, mainly in its final stage, from the 7th-5th centuries BC. She is currently the scientific co-director of the research at the site of Casas del Turuñuelo (Guareña, Badajoz, Spain), recognized with the I National Archaeology Award of the Palarq Foundation. The excellent state of conservation of this archaeological site has opened a new line of research focused on the study of earthen architecture. One of the objectives of this line is to analyse the origin of different constructive techniques documented in archaeological sites during the protohistory period in the Iberian Peninsula. As a result of this research, she has recently published the book El Final de Tarteso. Arqueología Protohistórica en el Valle medio del Guadiana (Serie Ataecina). In addition to her research work, she is the Principal Researcher of Tarteso en Comunidad, a Dissemination and knowledge transfer Project


Stone sculptures of human or divine faces

Negotiating Identities, Constructing Territories: Pre-Roman Iberia (900-200 BCE)

2024 – 2025