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Faculty Fellow

Julie Orlemanski

Associate Professor of English University of Chicago


Julie Orlemanski

Photo by Erielle Bakkum

Julie Orlemanski teaches and writes about texts from the late Middle Ages and theoretical and methodological questions in present-day literary studies. What distinguishes medieval thought from our own, and what links it, are of persistent fascination to her. Accordingly, she has longstanding interests in hermeneutics and historicism. Other ongoing research interests include the Song of Songs, disability studies and the history of the body, narratology, and the secularization thesis or so-called disenchantment of the world. Orlemanski's monograph, Symptomatic Subjects: Bodies, Medicine, and Causation in the Literature of Late Medieval England (University of Pennsylvania Press, 2019), considers embodiment in the historical period just prior to medicine’s modernity—before Renaissance anatomy, before the centralized regulation of medical professions, before empiricism and the rationalist division of mental from physical substance.

To learn more about Orlemanski's research and publications, please visit her profile page at the Department of English.

Featured Project

The Case of the Human: Co-Producing Plural Knowledge on the Body, the Social, and the Subject

2024 – 2025


CEDAR Phase Two: Critical Editions for Digital Analysis and Research

Screen shot of the CEDAR digital platform

CEDAR Phase Two: Critical Editions for Digital Analysis and Research

This project extends a multi-year digital humanities initiative that is producing critical editions of canonical texts. In the first phase, the research team built a database that includes the Gilgamesh Epic, the Hebrew Bible, and Shakespeare’s plays. In this phase they will add the Egyptian...

CEDAR is a multi-project digital humanities initiative involving literary corpora that have complex histories of composition, revision, and dissemination. The