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Research Project

SummerSALT: Translation Theory, Translation Practice

2024 – 2025
Book cover featuring an embroidered image of flora and fauna.

Front cover of Jol Boner Kabyo by Sarala Basu (detail). Photo by Romana Klee via Flickr.

Key Question

Project Summary

Writers and translators will gather at a series of workshops to explore questions about translation theory and craft.

Research Team

Rachel Galvin

Rachel Galvin

Associate Professor of English and Comparative Literature; Director of Translation Studies

University of Chicago

Rachel Galvin is a scholar, poet, and translator specializing in twentieth- and twenty-first-century comparative poetics in English, Spanish, and French. Her research and teaching interests include comparative modernisms, hemispheric studies, U.S. Latinx literature, wartime literature, multilingual ...

Jason Grunebaum

Jason Grunebaum

Instructional Professor, Department of South Asian Languages and Civilizations

University of Chicago

Jason Grunebaum's translations from Hindi include Uday Prakash’s The Girl with the Golden Parasol, The Walls of Delhi, and, with Ulrike Stark, Manzoor Ahtesham’s The Tale of the Missing Man. He has been awarded the Global Humanities Translation Prize, a National Endowment for the Arts Fellowship, ...

Daniel Hahn

Daniel Hahn

Co-Director, SALT

University of Chicago

Daniel Hahn is co-director of SALT (South Asian Literature in Translation), and a writer, editor, and translator with about a hundred books to his name. He is currently writing a book about Shakespeare in translation, co-editing a collection of Brazilian short stories, and translating a Colombian ...

Annie Janusch

Annie Janusch

Lecturer, Creative Writing

University of Chicago

Annie Janusch’s translations include works by Esther Dischereit, Jürgen Goldstein, Wolf Haas, Anja Kampmann, Heinrich von Kleist, and Uwe Tellkamp. She has been the recipient of fellowships and residencies from the National Endowment for the Arts, the Robert Bosch Foundation, and the University of ...

Daisy Rockwell

Daisy Rockwell

Writer, Translator in Residence

Princeton University

Daisy Rockwell is an artist, writer, and Hindi-Urdu translator living in Vermont. She has translated numerous classic literary works from Hindi and Urdu into English, including Bhisham Sahni’s Tamas and Khadija Mastur's The Women's Courtyard. Her translation of Geetanjali Shree’s Tomb of Sand was ...

Arunava Sinha

Arunava Sinha

Co-Director of the Ashoka Centre

Ashoka University

Arunava Sinha translates classic, modern and contemporary Bengali fiction and non-fiction from Bangladesh and India into English. He also translates fiction from English into Bengali. Over 80 of his translations have been published so far in India, the UK and the USA. He has also contributed to ...


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