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Research Project

Visiting Fellow: David Auburn

2017 – 2018

Project Summary

A Visiting Fellowship enabled playwright David Auburn to complete his adaptation of Saul Bellow’s The Adventures of Augie March and collaborate with Court Theatre on the preparation for the 2019 premiere.

Research Team

David Auburn

David Auburn


David Auburn is an award-winning playwright, screenwriter, and director. Auburn’s first play, Proof, received the 2001 Pulitzer Prize, Tony Award, and New York Drama Critics Circle Award, and is set on the University of Chicago campus. His other plays include Lost Lake (2014), The Columnist (2012), ...

Charles Newell

Charles Newell

Marilyn F. Vitale Artistic Director

Court Theatre

Charles Newell is the Marilyn F. Vitale Artistic Director of Court Theatre. He was awarded the SDCF Zelda Fichandler Award, “which recognizes an outstanding director or choreographer who is transforming the regional arts landscape through singular creativity and artistry in theatre.” Charlie has ...

Larry F. Norman

Larry F. Norman

Frank L. Sulzberger Distinguished Service Professor, Romance Languages and Literatures, Theater and Performance Studies, Fundamentals, and the College; Department Chair

University of Chicago

As a specialist in seventeenth- and eighteenth-century literature, theater and intellectual history, Larry Norman's work is driven by a concern with the dynamic interaction between texts and their aesthetic and historical framework. More specifically, Norman is interested in how individual works ...


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