Neubauer Collegium for Culture and Society Organization Logo Neubauer Collegium for Culture and Society


Apsáalooke Women and Warriors

03.12.2020 – 12.18.2020
Installation view, Apsáalooke Women and Warriors,

Installation view, Apsáalooke Women and Warriors, 2020. Photo by Robert Heishman.

Exhibition Summary

The Apsáalooke Women and Warriors project was a multi-site exhibition, jointly organized by the Neubauer Collegium and the Field Museum, that presented a rich narrative of the Apsáalooke cultural past, figured the present-day Apsáalooke identity, and offered a vision for the future. The centerpiece of the Collegium site was a tipi-like structure that transformed the gallery into an intimate space showcasing historical materials and works by contemporary Apsáalooke artists. All proceeds from the book published on the occasion of the show will benefit Little Big Horn College in Crow Agency, Montana.

Curated by Nina Sanders in collaboration with Dieter Roelstraete.

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