Neubauer Collegium for Culture and Society Organization Logo Neubauer Collegium for Culture and Society

Research Project

Cinemetrics Across Boundaries: A Collaborative Study of Montage

2013 – 2015

Project Summary

This project facilitated collaboration among cinema and media studies scholars and statisticians interested in the analysis of cutting rate changes within films, expanding the scholarly potential for a database and online forum and advancing knowledge of film’s role in society.

Research Team

Michael Baxter

Michael Baxter

Emeritus Professor of Statistical Archaeology, School of Science and Technology

Nottingham Trent University

Michael Baxter (d. 2018) was Emeritus Professor of Statistical Archaeology in the School of Science and Technology at Nottingham Trent University. His interest in statistics in archaeology arose from a marriage between what began as a leisure interest in archaeology and the subject of his ...

Daria Khitrova

Daria Khitrova

Associate Professor of Slavic Languages and Literatures

Harvard University

Daria Khitrova is a specialist in poetry and dance with more recent stakes in film studies. During the 2012-2013 AY, Daria collaborated with UChicago faculty member Yuri Tsivian and Michael John Baxter from Nottingham Trent University (UK) on the project, Cinemetrics Across Boundaries: A ...

Yuri Tsivian

Yuri Tsivian

Professor Emeritus in the Department of Cinema and Media Studies, Department of Art History, Department of Slavic Languages & Literatures, Department of Comparative Literature, and the College

University of Chicago

Emeritus faculty; retired in Spring 2018Yuri Tsivian studied film history in Riga (Latvia) and Moscow (Russia) combining it with studying semiotics under the guidance of Yuri Lotman (1922 – 1993), a prominent cultural scholar of the Tartu University (Estonia) in collaboration with whom Yuri has ...


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