Faculty Fellow
Haun Saussy
Photo by Erielle Bakkum
Professor Saussy's primary teaching and research interests include classical Chinese poetry and commentary, literary theory, comparative study of oral traditions, problems of translation, pre-twentieth-century media history, and ethnography and ethics of medical care.
His 2022 book, Making of Barbarians: China in Multilingual Asia reminds us that, far from being on the margins of “world literature,” China has been a center in its own right for thousands of years and has long appropriated the speech and artistry of its alien neighbors, changing their forms and meanings in the process. His current project is the editing of a multi-author international literary history of Asia from the Bronze Age to the present.
For more on Saussy's publications, research, and interests, please visit his faculty page.
Featured Project
A Comparative History of East Asian Literatures
Project Team:
Project Topics:
Motion and Meaning: Sign and Body Gesture in Dance Narratives Across Cultures
Motion and Meaning: Sign and Body Gesture in Dance Narratives Across Cultures
This project investigated how meaning is produced by the body, particularly in the context of classical Indian dance. |
Project Team:
This interdisciplinary collaboration examined the forms and intersecting histories of South Asian practices of knowledge, with a focus on the geographical and historical spread of cultural norms and technologies. |
Project Team:
Project Topics:
Textual Optics
Textual Optics
An interdisciplinary group of scholars collaborated in a lab-like environment to formulate a unique, data-driven approach to the reading and interpretation of textual archives, from single words up to millions of volumes. |