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Research Project

A Comparative History of East Asian Literatures

Project Team:

2017 – 2018
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Project Summary

Working to correct a gap in scholarship on East Asian cultural history, this project conceptualized a cross-border, long-term, multilingual history of the literature of the region.

Research Team

Haun Saussy

Haun Saussy

University Professor with appointments in Comparative Literature, East Asian Languages & Civilizations, and Committee on Social Thought

University of Chicago

Professor Saussy's primary teaching and research interests include classical Chinese poetry and commentary, literary theory, comparative study of oral traditions, problems of translation, pre-twentieth-century media history, and ethnography and ethics of medical care.

His 2022 book,...

Reading List

Lach, Donald

Asia in the Making of Europe 9 vols. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1965-1993 Read

Kôno Kimiko et al.

"Bun" no kankyô: "bungaku" izen (The sinographic sphere: Before there was "literature" Tokyo: Bensei, 2015 Read

Chen, Kuan-hsing

Asia as Method Durham: Duke University Press, 2010 Read

Phan, John Duong

"The Twentieth-Century Secularization of the Sinograph in Vietnam, and its Demotion from the Cosmological to the Aesthetic" Journal of World Literature 1 (2016): 275-293 Read


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