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Research Project

Death: From Philosophy to Medical Practice and the Law 

2022 – 2023
Damien Hirst, The Physical Impossibility of Death in the Mind of Someone Living, 1991. © Damien Hirst & Science Ltd. DACS, London / ARS, NY 2020.

Damien Hirst, The Physical Impossibility of Death in the Mind of Someone Living, 1991. © Damien Hirst & Science Ltd. DACS, London / ARS, NY 2020.

Key Question

Project Summary

This project will complete a manuscript about the medical and philosophical aspects of death. The project will also convene an interdisciplinary group of experts to disentangle and potentially reconcile longstanding medical and legal debates about the neurological standard for determining brain death. The research team will be joined by the medical ethicist John Lizza as a Visiting Fellow.

Research Team

Fernando D. Goldenberg

Fernando D. Goldenberg

Professor of Neurology; Director, Neuroscience Critical Care; Co-Director Comprehensive Stroke Center

University of Chicago

Fernando Goldenberg, MD, is a specialist in critical care and neurointensive care medicine. He is a member of a multidisciplinary team of experts dedicated to the diagnosis and management of patients with ischemic (low blood flow) and hemorrhagic (blood vessel rupture) stroke and brain aneurysms. ...

Christos Lazaridis

Christos Lazaridis

Associate Professor of Neurocritical Care, Departments of Neurology and Surgery (Neurosurgery)

University of Chicago

Christos Lazaridis, MD, is a neurointensivist who specializes in advanced monitoring in severe traumatic brain injury. Dr. Lazaridis is also heavily involved in neurocritical care ethics. He has trained in both neurologic and general critical care. Dr. Lazaridis has authored/co-authored over 70 ...

John Lizza

John Lizza

Professor of Philosophy

Kutztown University

John Lizza (A.B., M.A., Ph.D., Columbia University) is a Professor of Philosophy at Kutztown University of Pennsylvania. His main philosophical interests are in bioethics, metaphysics, and philosophy of mind, particularly issues concerning persons and personal identity. His research has focused on ...

Lainie Friedman Ross

Lainie Friedman Ross

Carolyn and Matthew Bucksbaum Professor of Clinical Medical Ethics; Associate Director, MacLean Center for Clinical Medical Ethics; Co-Director, Institute for Translational Medicine

University of Chicago

Lainie Friedman Ross, MD, PhD, is a frequent lecturer at national and international conferences, where she addresses ethical controversies in medical practice and research. She has written more than 100 research articles on ethical and policy issues in organ transplantation, genetic testing, ...

Project Narrative


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