Neubauer Collegium for Culture and Society Organization Logo Neubauer Collegium for Culture and Society

Research Project

Global Literary Networks

Project Team:

2013 – 2015

Project Summary

Combining large datasets, social scientific methods, and close reading approaches, this project investigated the social dimensions of modernist literary history and aesthetics.

Research Team

Hoyt Long

Hoyt Long

Associate Professor of Japanese Literature, East Asian Languages and Civilizations

University of Chicago

Hoyt Long's research centers on modern Japan, with specific interests in the history of media and communication, cultural analytics, sociology of literature, book history, and environmental history. Cultural analytics has been a primary area of interest since 2010. Long has written and collaborated ...

Tom McEnaney

Tom McEnaney

Associate Professor of Comparative Literature and Spanish & Portuguese

University of California, Berkeley

Tom McEnaney works on the history of media and technology, Argentine, Cuban, and U.S. literature, sound studies, linguistic anthropology, computational (digital) humanities, and new media studies. He holds a joint appointment in the Department of Spanish & Portuguese and serves on the Executive ...

Richard Jean So

Richard Jean So

Assistant Professor, Department of English

McGill University

Richard Jean So is an associate professor of English and Cultural Analytics at McGill University. He works at the intersection of cultural analysis and data science. So uses data-driven methods to study culture, both historical and contemporary, from the novel to Netflix to social media and writing ...


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