Neubauer Collegium for Culture and Society Organization Logo Neubauer Collegium for Culture and Society

Research Project

The Changing Social and Rhetorical Foundations of Florentine Republicanism

2014 – 2018

Project Summary

Art historians and political scientists drew from a uniquely rich dataset of social networks among approximately 60,000 Florentines over the period 1350–1530 to explore the tumultuous political history of Florence.

Research Team

Niall Atkinson

Niall Atkinson

Associate Professor of Art History, Romance Languages and Literature, and the College

University of Chicago

Niall Atkinson’s teaching and scholarship focus on public space, urban history, soundscapes, geography and travel as well as the architecture and urbanism of late Medieval and Renaissance Italy. His research has concerned the relationship between sound, space, and architecture and their role in the ...

John McCormick

Man at podium

John McCormick

Professor of Political Science

University of Chicago

John P. McCormick is Professor of Political Science. His research and teaching interests include political thought in Renaissance Florence (specifically, Guicciardini and Machiavelli), 19th and 20th century continental political and social theory (with a focus on Weimar Germany and Central European ...

John Padgett

John Padgett

Professor, Department of Political Science

University of Chicago

John Padgett is a Professor specializing in American politics, organizational theory, mathematical models, and public policy. He is best known for his models of the federal budget process, although he has written on a variety of topics. The American Journal of Sociology published both his 1993 ...


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