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Research Project

The French Republic and the Plantation Economy: Saint-Domingue, 1794–1803

Project Team:

2016 – 2017

Key Question

Project Summary

This project investigated what happened to Saint-Domingue’s plantation economy when the French Republic declared universal abolition in 1794.


Research Team

Paul Cheney

Paul Cheney

Professor of European History, Fundamentals, and the College

University of Chicago

Paul Cheney is a historian who specializes in old regime France and its colonial empire. The unifying element of his work is an interest in early modern capitalism, and in particular the problem of how modern social and political forms gestated within traditional society. Old regime France serves ...

Allan Potofsky

Allan Potofsky

Professor of Atlantic and French History

Université Paris-Diderot

Allan Potofsky is Professor of Atlantic and French history at the Université Paris-Diderot, specializing in early modern French America and Parisian urban history during the eighteenth century and the French Revolution. He is the author of Constructing Paris in the Age of Revolutions (Basingstoke ...


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