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Research Project

Interwoven: Sonic and Visual Histories of the Indian Ocean World

2017 – 2021

Project Summary

This project explored the historical significance of South Asian artistic practices and the complex ways they helped shape local and transregional cultures.

Research Team

Niall Atkinson

Niall Atkinson

Associate Professor of Art History, Romance Languages and Literature, and the College

University of Chicago

Niall Atkinson’s teaching and scholarship focus on public space, urban history, soundscapes, geography and travel as well as the architecture and urbanism of late Medieval and Renaissance Italy. His research has concerned the relationship between sound, space, and architecture and their role in the ...

Philip V. Bohlman

Philip V. Bohlman

Ludwig Rosenberger Distinguished Service Professor in Jewish History, Music and the Humanities in the College; Associate Faculty, Divinity School

University of Chicago

Phil Bohlman’s teaching and research draw upon diverse methods and perspectives in music scholarship to forge an ethnomusicology built upon foundations in ethnography, history, and performance. He is particularly interested in exploring the interstices between music and religion, music, race, and ...

James Nye

James Nye

Director of the Digital South Asia Library

University of Chicago

James Nye, Director of the Digital South Asia Library and an associate of the Humanities Division, is the retired Bibliographer for Southern Asia. Trained as a classical Indologist with an emphasis on medieval Sanskrit literature, his most recent externally funded projects focus on dictionaries for ...

Laura Ring

Laura Ring

Metadata Librarian and Librarian for Southern Asia and Anthropology

The University of Chicago Library

Laura Ring is a Subject Specialist in South and Southeast Asian Studies and Anthropology. For more information about her work, please visit her staff profile.

Anna Schultz

Anna Schultz

Associate Professor of Music and the Humanities; Director of Professional Development

University of Chicago

The core issue animating her research in India and beyond is music’s power to activate profound religious experiences that in turn shape other identities. I thus explore nationalism in Western Indian Hindu temple performance, gendered translation in Indian Jewish song, diasporic longing in ...

Anna Seastrand

Anna Seastrand

Assistant Professor of Art History

University of Minnesota

Anna Seastrand's work broadly addresses the relationships between visual, oral, and written texts in South Asian art, with particular focus on physical and notional landscapes, pilgrimage, and performance. Her book in progress, The Kinesthetic Temple, foregrounds movement as central to ...

Project Narrative


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