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Faculty Fellow

Patrick Jagoda

Professor of English and Cinema and Media Studies; Co-founder, Game Changer Chicago Design Lab and Transmedia Story Lab; Faculty Director, Weston Game Lab University of Chicago


Patrick Jagoda specializes in media theory, game studies and design, science studies, and twentieth and twenty-first century American literature and culture. He is the co-founder of the Game Changer Chicago Design Lab and the Transmedia Story Lab, faculty director of the Weston Game Lab and the Media Arts and Design major at the University of Chicago, and Executive Editor of the interdisciplinary journal Critical Inquiry. Jagoda has helped develop game studies and game design at the University of Chicago, including as a co-founder of the Fourcast Lab collective, which designs alternate reality games about topics such as climate change and the COVID-19 pandemic. He is the author of Experimental Games: Critique, Play, and Design in the Age of Gamification (University of Chicago Press, 2020), Network Aesthetics (University of Chicago Press, 2016), and other publications.

To learn more about Patrick Jagoda's research and publications, see his profile page at the Department of English.

Featured Project

Climate Games: Transforming Middle School STEM Education through Transmedia Play

2021 – 2022


The Game Changer Chicago Design Lab

The Game Changer Chicago Design Lab

A series of workshops brought Chicago teens to campus to collaborate with faculty, staff, and students on digital stories, trans-media games, and new media art projects designed to improve health.
Game Changer Chicago (GCC) Design Lab is an initiative of the Center for Interdisciplinary Inquiry and Innovation in Sexual and Reproductive Health (Ci3) at the University of Chicago. Co-founded by Drs. Patrick Jagoda (Assistant Professor of English) and Melissa Gilliam (Professor of ...

Transmedia Story Lab: Impacting the Public Humanities and Public Health through Digital Narratives

Transmedia Story Lab: Impacting the Public Humanities and Public Health through Digital Narratives

This project sought to produce a unique body of knowledge about new media storytelling, exploring the potential for narrative arts to influence broader publics, shape policies, and improve health.
The Transmedia Story Lab project brought together a research team from the Biological Sciences Division, Humanities Division, and School of Social Service Administration to explore ways that narrative arts — especially emergent digital media and transmedia storytelling forms — can influence broader ...

Gaming Orientation

Gaming Orientation

The research team on this project developed and launched an alternate-reality game called The Parasite, which helped new students acclimate to a university setting during College Orientation 2017.
The Gaming Orientation project (2016–2019) transformed the University of Chicago’s 2017 college orientation into an immersive, alternate-reality game (ARG) called The Parasite. Incoming students were invited to collaborate on nine challenges, each of which helped them get acclimated to campus and ...