Neubauer Collegium for Culture and Society Organization Logo Neubauer Collegium for Culture and Society

Research Project

Critical Computation: Machine Learning and Questions of Quality in Art and Design

2016 – 2018
Jason Salavon, All the Ways (Couch Gag), 2016.

Jason Salavon, All the Ways (Couch Gag), 2016. Courtesy of the artist.

Project Summary

This project investigated the creative potential and theoretical implications of machine-generated visual art and design.

Research Team

William Catino

William Catino

Principal Systems Engineer

Hidden Path Entertainment

William Catino is the Principal Systems Engineer at Hidden Path Entertainment. He is the former Principal Software Engineer at University of Chicago's Knowledge Lab.

Qixing Huang

Qixing Huang

Associate Professor of Computer Science

University of Texas at Austin

Qixing Huang's research spans the fields of computer vision, computer graphics, and machine learning. He publishes extensively in venues such as SIGGRAPH, CVPR, ICCV, ECCV, NeuriPS, ICML, and more. In particular, his recent focus is on developing machine learning algorithms (particularly deep ...

Sean Keller

Sean Keller

Associate Professor of Architecture, Associate Dean for Strategic Initiatives

Illinois Institute of Technology

Professor Keller is a historian and critic of modern and contemporary architecture, with a focus on the relationship of architecture and technology after 1945. He is the author of Automatic Architecture: Motivating Form After Modernism and has written for numerous anthologies and journals. His work ...

Jason Salavon

Jason Salavon

Visual Artist; Associate Professor, Department of Visual Arts

University of Chicago

Using software processes of his own design, Jason Salavon generates and reconfigures masses of communal material in an effort to present new perspectives on the familiar. His projects unearth unexpected pattern while exploring the relationship between the part and the whole or the individual and ...


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Visualization for Understanding and Exploration (VUE)

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