Neubauer Collegium for Culture and Society Organization Logo Neubauer Collegium for Culture and Society

Research Project

NigerHeritage: Novel Solutions for Ancient and Historical Heritage

2017 – 2018

Project Summary

An international group of scientists, social scientists, architects, and planners developed proposals for the design and function of three sites in Niger—a museum, a cultural center for nomadic peoples, and a fossil field site.

Research Team

Paul Adderley

Paul Adderley

Lecturer in Geoarchaeology and Environmental History

University of Stirling

A soil scientist with interests in geoarchaeology and environmental history, Dr Paul Adderley was awarded a prestigious RCUK Academic Fellowship at Stirling in 2005 and is now a Lecturer in the Faculty of Natural Sciences. He studied at the University of Wales, Bangor and was previously research ...

Ralph Austen

Ralph Austen

Professor Emeritus of African History, African Studies, and the College

University of Chicago

Ralph A. Austen's current research (and limited teaching) focuses on the political economy and cultural dimensions of European overseas expansion (including autobiographical writings by "colonial subjects") and African literature. To learn more about Ralph A. Austen's research and publications, ...

Paul Sereno

Paul Sereno

Professor, Department of Organismal Biology & Anatomy and Committee on Evolutionary Biology

University of Chicago

Paul Sereno, a professor at the University of Chicago and Explorer-in-Residence at the National Geographic Society, works with students, technicians and artists in his Fossil Lab to bring to life fossils unearthed from sites around the world. Sereno’s field work began in the foothills of the Andes ...

Project Narrative


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