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Research Project

The CEDAR Project: Critical Editions for Digital Analysis and Research

2019 – 2022
A screenshot of the CEDAR database shows sophisticated digital analysis of a biblical text.
A screenshot of the CEDAR database, courtesy The CEDAR project.

Key Question

Project Summary

This project aims to produce open-access critical editions of four key textual corpora: Shakespeare’s The Taming of the Shrew, Gilgamesh, the Book of Genesis, and a body of Middle Bengali poetry.

Research Team

Simeon Chavel

Simeon Chavel

Associate Professor of Hebrew Bible in the Divinity School; Associate Faculty in the Department of Near Eastern Languages and Civilizations and in the Center for Middle Eastern Studies

University of Chicago

Simeon Chavel studies the literature of the Hebrew Bible, the religion of ancient Israel and Judea, and their relationship. His approach combines theory of literature, theory of religion, the ancient historical and social context, and early interpretation, especially midrash. Research projects ...

Whitney Cox

Whitney Cox

Associate Professor, South Asian Languages and Civilizations

University of Chicago

Whitney Cox’s main interests are in the literary and intellectual history of southern India in the early second millennium CE. Within that broad range, his research has concentrated on Sanskrit kāvya and poetic theory, the history of the Śaiva religion, and medieval Tamil literature and epigraphy, ...

Thibaut d’Hubert

Thibaut d’Hubert

Associate Professor, South Asian Languages and Civilizations

University of Chicago

Thibaut d’Hubert works on Middle Bengali poetry and Indo-Persian literature. His primary domain of research is the history of literary practices in eastern India and, more generally, the study of poetics in multilingual contexts. His approach brings together textual criticism, literary ...

Ellen MacKay

Ellen MacKay

Associate Professor of English

University of Chicago

Ellen MacKay's interests tend to cluster at the uneasy conjunction of performance and history. Broadly construed, as everyday concepts, the first of these is live, fleeting, insubstantial, and imitative while the second is dead, lasting, weighty, and real. When one category serves as the medium of ...

Jeffrey Stackert

Jeffrey Stackert

Professor of Hebrew Bible; Associate Faculty in the Department of Classics and the Department of Near Eastern Languages and Civilizations; also in the College and the Greenberg Center for Jewish Studies

University of Chicago

Jeffrey Stackert is a biblical scholar who situates the Hebrew Bible in the context of the larger ancient Near Eastern world in which it was composed. His research focuses especially on the composition of the Pentateuch, ancient Near Eastern prophecy, cultic texts, and ancient Near Eastern law. His ...

Christopher Woods

Christopher Woods

Professor of Assyriology and Sumerology; Avalon Professor in the Humanities; Williams Director, Penn Museum

University of Pennsylvania

Research Interests:Sumerian writing and language; linguistics; origins and development of writing and writing systems; early Mesopotamian history, state formation, socio-political development, religion, literature, mathematics, and administration. To learn more about his work, please visit his ...

Project Narrative

Reading List

Buzzetti, Dino and Jerome McGann

“Critical Editing in a Digital Horizon.” Electronic Textual Editing, ed. Lou Burnard, Katherine O’Brien O’Keefe, and John Unsworth New York: Modern Language Association, 2006. 53–73 Read

Fleming, Juliet

Graffiti and the Writing Arts of Early Modern England Philadelphia, PA: University of Pennsylvania Press, 2001 Read

Galey, Alan

Visualizing Variation Read

McGann, Jerome

“Marking Texts of Many Dimensions” pp. 198–217 in A Companion to Digital Humanities, eds. S. Schreibman, R. Siemens, and J. Unsworth. Malden, Mass.: Blackwell Read

McGann, Jerome

A New Republic of Letters: Memory and Scholarship in the Age of Digital Reproduction Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press Read

Porter, James I.

Nietzsche and the Philology of the Future Stanford, Calif.: Stanford University Press Read

Said, Edward W.

“The Return to Philology” pp. 57–84 in Humanism and Democratic Criticism by E. W. Said. New York: Columbia University Press. Read

Schloen, J. David, and Sandra R. Schloen

“Beyond Gutenberg: Transcending the Document Paradigm in Digital Humanities” Digital Humanities Quarterly 8, no. 4. Read

Thompson, Ann

“Teena Rochfort Smith, Frederick Furnivall, and the New Shakespeare Society’s Four-Text Edition of Hamlet.” Shakespeare Quarterly 49, no. 2 (1998): 125–149 Read

Yeoman, Victoria

“Speaking Plates: Text, Performance, and Banqueting Trenchers in Early Modern Europe" Journal of the Society for Renaissance Studies 31, no. 5 (2017): 755-779 Read


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