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Research Project

Theorizing Indian Democracy

2018 – 2019

Project Summary

A close look at the meanings and practices of democracy in India deepened understanding of India’s politics and history and helped identify non-Western forms of democracy.

Research Team

Dipesh Chakrabarty

Dipesh Chakrabarty

Lawrence A. Kimpton Distinguished Service Professor of History, South Asian Languages and Civilizations, and the College

University of Chicago

Dipesh Chakrabarty’s research interests are in modern South Asian history and historiography, in postcolonial theory and its impact on history-writing, and in comparative studies of questions and politics of modernity. He is a founding member of the editorial collective of Subaltern Studies, a ...

Tejas Parasher

Tejas Parasher

Assistant Professor of Political Theory, Department of Political Science


Tejas Parasher is Assistant Professor of Political Theory in the Department of Political Science at UCLA. His research interests include the history of political thought; empire and political thought; political thought of anti-colonialism; modern Indian history, c. 1857-1950; comparative ...

Jennifer Pitts

Jennifer Pitts

Professor and Associate Chair, Political Science

University of Chicago

Jennifer Pitts is the author of Boundaries of the International (Harvard 2018), which explores European debates over legal relations with extra-European societies during the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries, and the co-editor, with Adom Getachew, of W.E.B. Du Bois: International Thought, a ...

Nazmul Sultan

Nazmul Sultan

Assistant Professor, Department of Political Science

University of British Columbia

His research interests include the history of political thought (especially Indian and British), empire and anticolonial thought, popular sovereignty, and ideas of the global.His forthcoming book, Waiting for the People: Anticolonialism and the Idea of Democracy in India, studies how a foundational ...

Project Narrative


A cyclist stands in the street at Central Market in Phnom Penh, Cambodia.

Continue Exploring

Becoming Urban: Understanding the Urban Transformation of Migrants to Phnom Penh