Project Collaborator
Clovis Gladstone
Photo by Erielle Bakkum
Clovis Gladstone is a literary scholar and a digital humanist whose work is divided between research on French Early-Modern intellectual history and his interest in leveraging new computational techniques to enhance the study of text. As a core member of the ARTFL Project for over a decade, he has been mostly focused on devising Natural Language Processing and Data-Mining techniques to tackle large datasets, such as search and retrieval, text-reuse detection, or clustering. As such, he has been engaged in numerous computational research projects, ranging from data-mining Diderot and d'Alembert's Encyclopédie to uncover the discursive makeup of the classes of knowledge, to reevaluating the Enlightenment impact on French revolutionary debates, to developing digital tools meant to support scholarly work on large text corpora.
To learn more about Gladstone's research and publications, please visit his profile page at the Department of Romance Languages and Literatures.