Visiting Fellow, 2019 – 2020
Jo Guldi
Photo by Erielle Bakkum
Jo Guldi is Associate Professor of History at Southern Methodist University. She is formerly a Mellon Postdoc at the University of Chicago, a Junior Fellow at the Harvard Society of Fellows, and the Hans Rothfels Chair at Brown University. She is author of The Long Land War (Yale University Press, 2022) and Roads to Power: Britain Invents the Infrastructure State (Harvard 2010), and co-author of The History Manifesto (Cambridge 2012). She is currently PI of a $1 million NSF grant to text-mine the longue-duree history of property rights. Her recent articles in Isis, Technology & Culture, Public Culture, Humanity, and other journals investigate the uses of text mining as well as the history of participatory movements to provide housing, land and water for all.