Visiting Fellow, 2017 – 2019
Jean-Gabriel Ganascia
Photo by Erielle Bakkum
Jean-Gabriel Ganascia is Professor of Computer Science at Sorbonne University; senior member of the Institut Universitaire de France; chair of the CNRS Ethical Committee; member of the Laboratory of Computer Science of the UPMC, where he heads the ACASA team; and deputy director of the OBVIL Laboratory of Excellence (Labex), which focuses on the literary side of digital humanities. While in residence as a Neubauer Collegium Visiting Fellow, he worked with the Textual Optics research team on the automatic detection and visualization of reuses, borrowings, citations, and appropriations of textual fragments on big corpuses of literary texts. The aim was to equip literary scholars with computer-based tools that allow the empirical investigation of writers' intertextual practices.