Neubauer Collegium for Culture and Society Organization Logo Neubauer Collegium for Culture and Society

Research Project

Costumes and Collapse

2023 – 2026
Costumes and Collapse illustration by Slavs and Tatars

Illustration by Slavs and Tatars

Key Question

Project Summary

What is the relationship between imperial collapse and material culture, specifically textiles and clothing? The research team on this project will explore this question by focusing on two diverse post-imperial spaces: the Soviet Union and the Middle East.

Research Team

Leah Feldman

Leah Feldman

Associate Professor in the Department of Comparative Literature and in the College

University of Chicago

Leah Feldman’s research focuses on empire, nationalism, and critical approaches to ethnicity, gender and sexuality from the vantage point of the Caucasus and Central Asia. Her first book, On the Threshold of Eurasia: Orientalism and Revolutionary Aesthetics in the Caucasus (Cornell 2018, winner of ...

Hoda El Shakry

Photo by Erielle Bakkum

Hoda El Shakry

Assistant Professor of Comparative Literature and in the College

University of Chicago

Hoda El Shakry's research centers on twentieth- and twenty-first-century cultural production from North Africa and the Middle East, with an emphasis on the relationship between aesthetics and ethics. She specializes in Arabophone and Francophone literature, visual culture, and criticism of the ...

Payam Sharifi

Payam Sharifi

Independent Artist and Scholar

Slavs and Tatars

Payam Sharifi is a member of Slavs and Tatars, an internationally renowned art collective devoted to an area East of the former Berlin Wall and West of the Great Wall of China known as Eurasia. Since its inception in 2006, the collective has shown a keen grasp of polemical issues in society, ...

Rikki Byrd

Rikki Byrd

PhD Candidate in Black Studies

Northwestern University

Rikki Byrd is a writer, educator and curator who works across the academy, arts and fashion industries. Her dissertation, “In Loving Memory: Black Performance and the Sartorial Politics of Mourning,” explores the ways Black people across the diaspora perform mourning through clothing and textiles, ...

Project Narrative


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