Neubauer Collegium for Culture and Society Organization Logo Neubauer Collegium for Culture and Society

Research Project

Transperformations: Breathing Machines Across the Worlds

2023 – 2024
Illustration courtesy Stacy Hardy

Illustration courtesy Stacy Hardy

Key Question

Project Summary

How has imperialism suppressed and exploited the “collective breathing” of colonized peoples, and what forms and forums may enable such breathing to be liberatory? The international team on this experimental project will combine creative performance, ethnography, and theoretical inquiry to address these questions.

Research Team

Kaushik Sunder Rajan

Kaushik Sunder Rajan

Professor of Anthropology and of Social Sciences in the College; Co-Director, Chicago Center for Contemporary Theory

University of Chicago

Kaushik Sunder Rajan works on the global political economy of the life sciences and biomedicine, with an empirical focus on India, South Africa, and the United States. He is the author of Biocapital: The Constitution of Postgenomic Life (2006) and Pharmocracy: Value, Politics, and Knowledge in ...

Stacy Hardy

Stacy Hardy

Lecturer in Creative Writing

Rhodes University

Stacy Hardy is a writer, researcher, and editor whose work explores the intersections of embodiment, the individual, and society. Her writing has appeared in various anthologies and journals including the New Orleans Review, New Contrasts, The Evergreen Review, Black Sun Lit, and many more. She is ...

Neo Muyanga

Neo Muyanga

Independent Composer and Musician

Neo Muyanga is a composer and installation artist. His work traverses new opera, improvisation and African idiomatic song. He lives and works out of Cape Town.

To learn more about his work and hear his music, please visit his website.

Daniel Borzutzky

Daniel Borzutzky

Associate Professor in English, Latin American and Latino Studies

University of Illinois Chicago

Daniel Borzutzky is a poet and translator from Spanish. He holds a joint appointment in the Latin American and Latino Studies Program at the University of Illinois Chicago. He has recently taught creative writing workshops as well as courses in U.S. Latinx literature and Latin American literature, ...

Project Narrative


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